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Social Media: Ask yourself that million-dollar question… “Am I getting the basics right?!".

Soraya Strathairn

No one wants their hard work to go unnoticed, so have a look at our quick checklist to make sure your brand gets the love it deserves!

#1 Be Human

Social Media is where you can connect with thousands, if not millions, of people. So talk to your audience. Communicate on their level. Share your hopes, your joys, your disappointments, your embarrassing moments. The more you open up, the more ‘engagement’ you’ll receive!

#2 Make it interesting, doh.

Before you publish anything ask yourself whether YOU would find it interesting. Then ask yourself: “Would anyone in our audience find this interesting enough to share with their friends..?”. If the answer is no, then it’s time to jazz up your content.

#3 Post regularly

Regular posts get more attention. So whether it be a blog, article or simply sharing some else’s interesting thoughts, try to do it at least twice a week. For the more popular sites – it’s twice a day. But hey you have a business to run too! Social media is an important communications channel like no other and 97% of the population of the UAE is on them. Many companies now invest in full time social media support with teams of communication managers and a full-time social media agency. The time to build your following is now, before the market gets too crowded. So seize the moment and start posting.

#4 Create your OWN community

This is a really good way to create a captive audience and keep them engaged. Think about creating a Facebook group or Insta community based around a topic that is relevant to your business. Post articles, opinions and ask questions. Invite people to give their feedback because we all know that people are happiest when giving their opinions! Which brings us to the next Step…

#5 Dialogue, not monologue

What’s the difference between media and social media? The clue is really in the name… Regular media talks at us but social media, well… it allows us to talk back. To socialise.

Part of the sheer joy of being on social media is the unbridled opportunity it gives all of us to interact. By creating content that is strictly one-way, your business is missing out on getting vital feedback which would allow it to grow and adapt to its customers’ ever changing needs. Plus it looks a little stuffy too. And no-one wants that.

#6 Take feedback seriously

If you are lucky enough to receive feedback, use it! If it’s positive feedback, post it on; if it’s less positive, share this feedback with the business and then let your followers know what you’ve done about it. Your audience will love you for it, we promise.

#7 Problem-Solver not Product-Seller

You have an awesome product to sell or a discount to offer. Well, that’s great, but most people don’t want to know about things. They want solutions to their problems. Try to empathise with your audience. Imagine how your product could be useful to them and then start a chat about it on one of your groups or communities. Just quietly let people know you have the answer to their problems – then sit back and watch the leads roll in!

#8 Target your tribe

Once you have chosen which platforms, make sure you consider the restrictions of the platform itself (including the device it is likely to be viewed on), plus the different role each social media channel plays. So go nuts with the #Hashtags on Insta, but it's not really necessary on Facebook. Instagram is like an online magazine, a place for people to enjoy photos and pass time. Facebook has a stronger focus on communities and conversation, and exchanging ideas, so post content with this in mind. Twitter is more about current and up to date news shots, while WhatsApp is a personal channel to communicate directly with friends and followers and bespoke groups in a more intimate way. Watch out for WhatsApp Marketing – that’s the next big thing! As the influence of these channels grow, many of the larger companies are already devising bespoke strategies for each channel.

#9 Give things away!

It feels counter-intuitive, particularly in a commercial setting, but people still do love a freebie. It still has the ‘dare-I-say-it’, ability to draw in the crowds. Share a few things, whether that be products, services or simply some expert advice, and you’ll find it magically increases your reach and appeal.

#10 Tap into Influencers

From Paris Hilton to the girl next door. If they have a following, its amazing what a post on their page can do for your brand!

For more social media marketing info, contact us on +971 2 551 5996 or email us at

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